AI Engineer "DEVIN" will take your job?

AI Engineer "DEVIN" will take your job?

This is the most trending question in the tech field so how I can miss this......

In this, I am going to give you the proper perspective on where things are shifting do we need to worry about it and who is worried about DEVIN?

Before moving to the main question let's discuss What is Devin?

Devin is being hailed as the world's first AI software engineer. It's a new development created by Cognition

I'll agree with the fact that It was great marketing by Cognition AI as where the whole world was around GPTs/AutoGPT, One company just came out with a great marketing skill and poked every Software Engineer with the name First AI software engineer. I think as an engineer that if they named it GPT or other it may not be able to grab this much attention.

In this blog, I would not like to panic about this Devin but I will give you my perspective on the First AI Software engineer “Devin".

  1. If you are worried too much about that will AI take away my job or should I continue to learn code or should I start to learn code in this era? So, I think it is the most important era where you should focus on learning codes and brushing up your skills because the basic and general problem statement will be taken care of by the AI but the problem where AI is going to make a mess can only be solved by a skilled Software engineer
  1. I think people from the Fresher group are really worried and scared about this but people with 5+ years of experience do really not care not because they are highly skilled but because they know that getting the precise work from the client is really tough as their requirements are always ambiguous and have no idea what they want us to do. So In this scenario, we need to craft the problem first then its craft which requires Human intervention and that's why these people will say don't worry it is just another hype trend (Uber, Zomato, etc are examples which is not easy to build with just a simple prompt, it is built over the years by retraining resolving the problems and some of the problems didn't have any existing solution at all).
  1. This point will Definitely calm you down this will calm you down a bit just a few years ago we saw self-driving cars and even I saw Protest around it, In fact, Uber also promised in 2015 that means around eight years ago to launch self-driving cars but what we see in our cities do we really find a self-driving car everywhere no so I think the technology sometimes do over promises which may or may not be fulfilled in coming years And the spam of the delivery is sometimes so long that we even forget about it I'm not showing that it will never arrive it will surely arrive but I think it will be an assistant more than a driver. That's exactly happening with the coding as well I love coding I love AI as well enjoy AI and these days I'm building a lot of my projects with the help of AI it's much faster but sometimes it does some of the dumb jobs that I'm just like leave it I'm gonna write it myself so yes this happens it's a great assistant but sometimes the assistant does a really dumb job and you need to be on top of it on the skills that you have to figure out that this is a done job I need to do better than this and sometimes even it follows some of the bad practises and I have not sure I corrected down the right time when you actually show much more skills.
  1. Remember AutoGPT? It promised to revolutionize coding with prompts, just like the current hype around "Devin," the self-proclaimed next-gen AI software engineer. Don't get me wrong, these tools have potential, but they often over-promise. Vague prompts and limitations in handling complex problems can lead to underwhelming results. Plus, catchy names like "Devin" create a buzz that overshadows similar, less-hyped tools like AutoGPT. The key takeaway? Don't get swept up in the hype. Focus on the reality: software engineers will still be needed to navigate these tools' limitations and ensure successful projects. Web 3.0 is another example. Remember the frenzy surrounding NFTs as a solution to everything? Now, the hype has cooled. While new technologies emerge, the core role of the software engineer remains – building solutions that work, not just chasing trends.
  1. You'll see quite often the benchmark from Day One I was never ever a fan of benchmarks whether you are testing your computers whether you are testing your CPUs, GPUs or even the software benchmarks are the worst way to rely on anything for performance whether it's great or not

Benchmarks: Friend or Foe? Why Real-World Tests Matter More

Forget those shiny benchmark scores you see plastered all over tech reviews. They're about as useful as judging a car by its paint job. Here's the truth: benchmarks are created in controlled environments, a far cry from the messy world you and I actually use our tech in.

Just because a laptop scores low on a benchmark doesn't mean it can't be a productivity powerhouse for you. I've seen plenty of mid-range machines outperform benchmark champs in real-world tasks.

The real test comes with the final release when everyone gets their hands on it. That's when the hype train truly departs the station. Will this new version of Chat GPT live up to the buzz? My money's on it getting a serious workout. But here's the thing: panicking about AI replacing your job is like freaking out over clickbait YouTube thumbnails.

Sure, some jobs might change, but new opportunities will emerge. Instead of worrying, let's embrace this new wave of technology and see where it takes us. After all, the future is built by those who dive in, not by those clinging to the past.

So, at last, I can say it will definitely minimise the number of jobs but it will not be able to replace the skilled engineers that's why to work on your skills instead of worrying about the future and let's wait together for the DEVIN